Sign the petition -- Sarah Palin: Please Resign.

Prominent conservative columnist and former Palin supporter Kathleen Parker called for Sarah Palin to resign from the Republican ticket. Even a conservative columnist and former Palin supporter is saying it: Palin is far from Vice-Presidential material. Can you sign our petition asking her to resign? Full petition statement:

Governor Palin, for the good of the country, please step down as John McCain's running mate.

Don't worry -- we won't spam you -- we'll just keep you updated on our campaign, and let you know about other opportunities to stop John McCain and Sarah Palin. You'll be able to unsubscribe at any time.

Come, come, my conservative friend, wipe the dew off your spectacles, and see that the world is moving."

—Elizabeth Cady Stanton

"And I am especially proud to say in the week we celebrate the anniversary of women's suffrage [that she is] a devoted, a devoted wife and mother of five."
—John McCain introducing Sarah Palin

"If this doesn't resonate with every woman in America, I'll eat my hat."
—Alaska delegate Bill Noll on Sarah Palin

Dear Bill, get ready to eat your hat. —The Eds.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

"Our country has embarrassed itself enough"

I do not support Sarah Palin as candidate for Vice President. Our core values and beliefs differ—she is not "just like me" as she professes to be. She is a working mother with a family to tend to and I believe she does so lovingly and as well as the rest of us. This, however, does not in any way qualify her to hold the VP position for the United States, let alone (shudder) the Presidential post. Our country has embarrassed itself enough over the past eight years. A McCain/Palin victory would simply be an atrocity.
-Wendy B., 43, Montgomery County, MD

Regarding the comment: "As if any woman would do...": With an abundance of women in this country who are highly educated, deeply thoughtful, well prepared to govern, knowledgeable of law and our constitution, not to mention widely respected for their published works which prove all of that, it is utterly inexcusable that one with so many weaknesses would be in the position to take over the presidency of our great country. Say it isn't so. Vote to ensure that we never see the day that we are so severely compromised as a nation.
-Lisa E., 55, Portland, OR

I am a lawyer, a mother and a voter. I view the nomination of Palin for vice-president for the republican ticket as dangerous: it demonstrates disparagement of women, which bodes ill for all the work done by women to remove those laws that existed in the United States declaring women to be chattel, the legal word for property.
-Martha G., Missoula, MT

I am indeed very much against a person such as Sarah Palin for vice president. I have seen nothing to indicate that she has enough intelligence or experience with the U.S. Constitution, and public office, to be in such an office. She is a very fine showgirl and one who is very boisterous and gaudy and not a great example of a woman who is capable of worldwide vision...
-Dian Z., Spokane, WA